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Tūī on plant.

Attract birds to your garden


Learn how to plan and plant a garden to attract native birds.

To support our native birds, don't feed them bread. Instead, try sugar water.

You can also hang water baths, plant native flowering trees, and leave areas of leaf litter around your garden.

Video by Ecology Ngātahi.

Supply them with food

Whether you have a large site to restore, or planning a new garden at home, invite the birds over with plants that provide a year round supply of food.

A small garden can still attract birds, especially over winter and spring when tūī, bellbird and kererū (native wood pigeon) will travel considerable distances in search of flowers and fruit

Try to use ecosourced plants (plants that naturally occur in your area). These could include kōwhai, flax, kakabeak, and tarata for nectar; and wineberry, karamū, and korokia for fruit.

Who eats what? - some common species and their diet
BellbirdY YY 
Fantail   Y 
Grey warbler   Y 
KakaY YYSeeds and tree sap
KererūYY  Flowers
Kingfisher    YLizards, small rodents
Shining cuckoo    Y 
Ruru/Morepork   YSmall rodents, birds, lizards
TūīY YY 
Wax/White/SilvereyeY YY 

If you have limited space for big trees, try growing plants in containers, e.g. titoki, broadleaf and cabbage tree. Some shrubs like kakabeak can even be shaped to fit in with your garden design - but make sure you allow them to flower so the birds benefit.

Keep the birds safe

Plant favourite bird foods like flax and kōwhai where you can see them from inside the house. But avoid planting too close to the house as reflections on windows can confuse birds. A number of kererū are killed every year trying to fly through panes of glass.

Birds such as fantail, grey warbler and silvereye are insect eaters so plant varieties are not as important as a healthy mix of spiders, moths, beetles, and earthworms etc. A good layer of mulch or leaf litter on the garden will encourage insects, and birds are a natural way of keeping them under control. Ruru (morepork) and kingfisher eat insects as well as mice.

Some native birds have become wary about feeding on the ground. Think about growing ground creepers like Fuchsia procumbens in a hanging basket - a wonderful sight with red berries hanging down. Climbing plants like Metrosideros carminea (crimson rata) and Passiflora tetrandra (NZ passionfruit) could grow along a wall or over a pergola.

Stoats, rats, weasels, possums, cats and hedgehogs prey on birds, including their eggs and nestlings. If you want to keep the birds flourishing, controlling pests is a must. Setting traps, and laying poisons (toxins) in bait stations are suitable methods of control.

Habitat requirements

Before planting, check if there is already a reliable food source at the site in terms of fruiting, flowering and seeding trees. The thickness of leaf litter is also a factor for insect-feeding birds and lizards.

Wildlife has different requirements for nesting sites and hiding places. Kingfisher, morepork and longtailed bat, for example, prefer standing dead trees whilst lizards will use fallen logs.

Your site may not be large enough for some species to nest and breed but they may still use it as a seasonal feeding ground. Many areas of native bush and wetlands are now small and widely spaced across the landscape. Your garden may help birds move between these areas.

What to plant

There are many native trees, shrubs and climbers that look attractive in the garden and also provide shelter and food for wildlife. The following is a selection only, and not all will grow in every part of the country.

There are numerous hybrids and cultivars of native plants developed for garden situations. These should not be planted in or near natural bush to avoid cross-pollination.

The advantage of ecosourced plants is that native wildlife has coexisted with them for thousands of years, and has adapted to using them as a food source. Your local plant nursery should be able to advise further.

Botanical nameCommon nameFeatures
Trees over 6 metres 
Alectryon excelsustitokired fruit
Carpodetus serratusputaputawetalilac flower
Cordyline australisti kouka (cabbage tree)cream flower
Coprosma repenstaupataorange/yellow fruit
Griselinia littoralisbroadleafpurple fruit
Fuchsia excorticatakotukutuku or koninired flower, black fruit
Knightia excelsarewarewared flower
Melicytus ramiflorusmahoeviolet fruit
Pennantia corymbosakaikomakoblack fruit
Pittosporum eugenioidestarata (lemonwood)yellow flower
Pittosporum tenuifoliumkohuhudark red flowers
Pseudopanax arboreusfive fingerblack fruit
Schefflera digitatapatepurple/black fruit
Sophora tetrapterakowhaiyellow flower
Vitex lucenspuririred flower
Trees and shrubs
(approx 1.5m to 6m)  
Aristotelia serratawineberrydeep red fruit
Brachyglottis repandarangiorayellow flower
Coprosma rhamnoidescoprosmacrimson fruit
Coprosma robustakaramuorange/red fruit
Coprosma grandifoliakanonoorange fruit
Cordyline indivisamountain cabbage treecream flower
Corokia specieskorokioorange to red fruit
Leptospermum scopariummanukawhite/pink flower
Marcopiper excelsumkawakawaorange fruit
Myrsine australismapoublack fruit
Phormium tenaxNZ flaxyellow flower
Pittosporum crassifoliumkarocrimson flower
Pomaderris apetalatainuyellow flower
Pomaderris kumerahokumerahouyellow flower
Pseudopanax laetusfive fingerblack fruit
Sophora microphyllakowhaiyellow flower
(approx 500 mm to 1.5 m)  
Alseuosmia macrophyllatoropapacream to red flower, red fruit
Astelia nervosaasteliaorange fruit
Clianthus puniceuskaka beakred flower
Coprosma cheesmaniicoprosmaorange red fruit
Corokia cotoneasterkorokiored fruit
Hebe specieshebeflowers various colours
Libertia grandifloraNZ irisorange seed pod
Melicytus micranthusnanakurapurple to white fruit
Phormium cookianumdwarf mountain flaxyellow flower
Rhabdothamnus solandriimatatayellow to red flower
Low-growing plants
(to 500 mm approx)
Coprosma acerosa & brunneasand coprosmapale blue fruit
Dianella nigraNZ blueberryblue fruit
Fuchsia procumbensfuchsiared fruit
Hebe specieshebeflowers various colours
Libertia ixioides or L.peregrinansNZ irisorange seed pod
Muehlenbeckia axillariscreeping pohuehuewhite fruit
Parahebe speciesparahebewhite flower
Podocarpus nivalismountain totarared fruit
Pratia angulatacreeping pratiapurple/red fruit
Container plants
Alectryon execelsustitokired fruit
Astelia species orange fruit
Clianthus specieskaka beakred flower
Cordyline australiscabbage treecream flower
Cordyline indivisamountain cabbage treecream flower
Griselinia littoralisbroadleafpurple fruit
Phormium speciesNZ Flaxyellow flower
Pittosporum species yellow to red flowers
Pseudopanax speciesfive fingerblack fruit
Vitex lucenspuriripink/red flower, red fruit
Metrosideros carmineacarmine ratacrimson flower
Passiflora tetrandakohiaorange fruit
Tecomanthe speciosa cream flower

Monthly calendar of plants for birds

This monthly calendar shows when plants will provide nectar, fruit or seeds for native birds.

N - Nectar
FS - Fruit and seeds
FSN - Fruit, seeds and nectar

Common nameBotanical name  J  F  M  A  M  J  J  A  S  O  N  D
AkateaMetrosideros fulgens    N  N  N  N   N      
AsteliaAstelia nervosa  NFSN FS  FS FS        
Cabbage treeCordyline australis FS FS FS FS        N  
Fivefinger*Pseudopanax arboreus  FS FS FS FS       
Fivefinger*Pseudopanax laetus  FS FS FS FS       
Flax (mountain)Phormium cookianum  N          N   N  N
Flax (lowland)Phormium tenax  N           N  N
HinauElaeocarpus dentatus FS FS FS FS FS       FS 
KahikateaDacrycarpus dacrydiodes   FS FS FS       
Kaikomako*Pennantia corymbosa FS FS FS FS        N   N
KakabeakClianthus puniceus            N  N
Kanono*Coprosma grandifolia  FS FS FS FS       
Karaka*+Corynocarpus laevigatus  FS FS FS         
Karamu*Coprosma lucida FS FS FS FS        
Karamu*Coprosma rhamnoides  FS FS  FS        
Karamu*Coprosma robusta  FS FS FS FS       
KaroPittosporum crassifolium  FS FS  FS FS    N   N   N  N  N
Kawakawa+Macropiper excelsum FS  FS          
Kohekohe+Dysoxylum spectabile      N  N  N  N    
KohuhuPittosporum tenuifolium  N FS FS FS  FS      N  N  N
Kotukutuku*Fuchsia excorticata FS FS FS      N   N  N  NFSN
KorokioCorokia cotoneaster  FS FS FS      N  N  N 
KowhaiSophora microphylla          N  N  N  
Mahoe*+Melicytus ramiflorus  FS FS  FS        
MapouMyrsine australis   FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS  
MiroPrumnopitys ferruginea   FS FS FS FS      
Native broomCarmichalia williamsii  N  N  N         
Northern rataMetrosideros robusta  N  N  N  N         N
NZ blueberryDianella intermedia FS FS         FS  FS
Pate+Schefflera digitata   FS FS        
Pigeonwood*+Hedycarya arborea FS FS FS FS       FS FS
Pohutukawa+Metrosideros excelsa  N  FS FS FS       N  N


PutaputawetaCarpodetus serratus   FS FS FS       
RewarewaKnightia excelsa          N  N   N  N
Rimu*Dacrydium cupressinum   FS FS FS       
TaraireBeilschmiedia taraire    FS FS       
Tarata*Pittosporum eugenoides   FS FS FS      N  N  N
Taupata+Coprosma repens FS FS FS         
TawaBeilschmiedia tawa   FS FS        
Titoki+Alectryon excelsus FS FS        FS FS FS
ToropapaAlseuosmia macrophylla FS FSFS  FS     N  N  NFS  FS
TotaraPodocarpus totara   FS FS        
Wharangi+Melicope ternata  FS FS         
Wineberry*Aristotelia serrata FS FS FS         

*     Species for which several individuals may have to be planted to ensure fruiting
+    Frost tender (especially when young)

Download the calendars