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Preparing a permission application


Guidance on how to apply for a permission from DOC to undertake your activity.

Permissions process

First check if you need permission from DOC for your proposed activity.

Information about the application process

Consistency with relevant legislation

Applications are assessed against the relevant legislation. This can include the Conservation Act 1987, Wildlife Act 1953, and National Parks Act 1980.

We will not issue a permission activity which is inconsistent with the relevant legislation.

If you're unsure if your activity is consistent with the relevant legislation you can have a pre-application meeting with a permissions advisor. They can provide you with support and advice on your activity and the application process. 

Consistency with relevant statutory planning documents

Applications are assessed against DOC’s statutory planning documents. The documents are tied to specific regions/places. They can set restrictions on:

  • activities
  • the location activities can be undertaken
  • the number of operators authorised to undertake the activity
  • the number of users who can undertake the activity.

We will not issue a permission activity that is inconsistent with our statutory planning documents.

Before applying for your permission, you are encouraged to review the relevant statutory planning documents for your proposed activity and the proposed location.

If you're unsure if your activity is consistent with the relevant statutory planning documents you can have a pre-application meeting with a permissions advisor. They can provide you with support and advice on your activity and the application process.

Information about a pre-application meeting.

Preparing a permission application

Select the application form

Make sure you use the correct application form for your activity.

All application forms.

Choose your submission format

We encourage electronic applications. However, we accept handwritten applications/paper applications sent in by post.

  • Electronic forms should should be filled out using the appropriate software, eg Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat. You can complete either a Word or PDF version of your electronic application.
  • Handwritten forms should be written in clear, legible handwriting. Failing to write clearly can lead to application processing delays or your application being returned to you. 

Complete the application form

  • Read the questions before completing the application.
  • Fill in the application.
  • Ensure you have clearly outlined your activity, the location of the activity, and who will be undertaking the activity.
  • Sign and date your application. Typed signatures are accepted for electronic applications.

Tips for completing an application

For an activity on public conservation land

Ensure your application contains the correct names for the public conservation land or waters applicable for your activity. You can use DOC maps to find the correct names of DOC locations.

Specify if you want to undertake your activity across the entire location, or part of a specific location.

If the proposed activity is on a track, you must include the official name of the track. If you intend to operate on part of the track, state where you plan to begin and end.

If the activity is off track you must include NZTM GPS coordinates and an annotated map outlining the proposed area.

Providing further information

When completing the application form, you may want to provide additional information. Any information can be provided as separate attachments. Make sure you refer to these attachments in your application form.

Submitting an application

Each application form must be submitted to a specific email or postal address. Ensure you check the address on the application form.

Send electronic applications and relevant documentation as an attachment via email, if possible. Our email attachment limit is 30 MB. Zip files and third-party file sharing sites are only needed if over this limit.

What happens next

After you’ve submitted your application, it will be assigned to a permissions advisor for processing. 

Information about the application process has more about the permissions process and how applications are assessed.

Management of personal information

We will manage personal information provided in your application under the provisions of the Privacy Act 2020. 

Other information, such as commercial information, can be requested under the Official Information Act 1982.