This includes promoting the interests of iwi/hapū/whānau in regards to local sites and native species and supporting them to contribute to decisions about activities occurring within their tribal boundary.
Learn more about the importance of consultation, and see the process you need to undertake.
The principles we apply in our work are:
See the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi for more information.
The most important principle where concessions and permits are concerned is informed decision-making.
Informed decision-making means both DOC and iwi/hapū/whānau are aware of each other’s interests and concerns in any application process. We need to know about any interests that may be affected by an activity, and/or location, proposed in a concession application.
For iwi/hapū/whānau, full information needs to be provided in order to enable them to contribute to this decision-making process. This is connected closely to the principles of good faith and active protection. Iwi/hapū/whānau consultation on proposed activities is how we can achieve informed decision-making.
Consultation is required on most applications (but not all, so discuss this at your pre-application meeting). There may be more than one group to talk to, and some groups have very specific consultation requirements that are part of their Treaty settlement, which must be followed.
Often consultation can enhance the activity you are considering. For example, you may find out which species of bird in the area have special significance to local Māori or inside information about a historic site.
The nature and degree of the iwi/hapū/whānau's interest in relation to the land where the activity will be carried out is important. This will include identification of sites of significance (areas that were or are used for growing plants for medicine, a burial site or a battlefield). It could also be identification of local taonga species (birds, plants and animals of cultural significance).
The group will likely identify potential adverse effects on cultural values and suggest ways to avoid, remedy or mitigate those effects in the same way that you identified adverse effects on conservation values in your application.
For example, one iwi/hapū/whānau may say that a particular site along a track is tapu because a rangatira (chief) was buried there. They might ask that those travelling along that track are told the story and you respect his last resting place by ensuring your clients don’t wander off the track.
Another example is that a particular bird species is taonga to them; and if you are a scientist who wants to study that bird you should go and talk to them to understand why they have such a strong connection to that species. They may also be keen to be involved in your work.
There may be multiple people or groups affected by your proposal who will all need to be consulted. Your local DOC office can advise you of the best people to contact from each iwi/hapū/whānau in your pre-application meeting.