Koi carp are pest fish and you must have approval from DOC to possess live koi carp.
To help stop the spread of koi carp a containment area has been established around Auckland and Hamilton. In the containment area recreational fishing is permitted, but all koi carp must be killed on capture. It is illegal to sell, breed or distribute this species in New Zealand.
View a map of the containment area (PDF, 104K).
If you catch koi carp outside of the containment area they must also be killed. You should also report any sighting of koi carp outside their known distribution to 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468).
The commercial harvest of koi carp can take place from waters within the koi carp containment area. You can take, transfer, process and sell only the flesh of koi carp taken from the waters within this area only.
To harvest koi commercially you must apply for a licence from DOC. You may also need a permit from the Ministry of Primary Industries.
If you collect/harvest fish from a reserve you also need a concession from DOC.