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Freshwater fish farming and aquaponics


You must have approval to undertake freshwater fish farming and some types of aquaponics. Get information on the authorisations required.

You must have approval to undertake freshwater fish farming and some types of aquaponics. Information on the authorisations required is provided below.

Freshwater fish farming

Freshwater fish farming is governed by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). Only certain fish species are allowed to be farmed

How to set up a land based fish farm and the list of species allowed.

DOC authorises the initial transfer and release of freshwater species to a fish farm.

Apply to move freshwater species.


Aquaponics means you use a closed water system to grow fish and plants together using the nutrients of each other. These systems are primarily set up so that the fish and plants can be harvested for food.

There are rules around aquaponics for personal use or commercial purposes.

Personal use aquaponics 

If your system is for personal use and the tanks are linked to freshwater, you need to apply to move freshwater species.

Apply to move freshwater species.

If your system is for personal use and the tanks have no inflows or outflows that link to freshwater then you will not need an approval to move freshwater species. 

A fish farm licence is not required if the fish are held for personal use.

You need approval to possess some species. 

Find out which species you need approval for.

Commercial purpose aquaponics 

If you are planning to sell the proceeds of your aquaponic operation you will need a fish farm licence from MPI. The species that are being farmed in commercial aquaponic systems must be listed on the farmable fish list.

How to set up a land based fish farm and the list of species allowed.

If you want to stock your aquaponic system from an existing fish farm you will need to apply to move freshwater species.

Apply to move freshwater species.