The Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust was established under section 3 of the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Act 1977. Its Board of Directors, established under the same act, is responsible for the executive control and management of the Trust.
The objective of the Trust is to encourage and promote, the provision, protection, preservation, and enhancement of open space for the benefit and enjoyment of the present and future generations of the people of New Zealand.
The functions of the QEII National Trust is to:
The Trust advises appropriate Ministers, government departments, and other persons and bodies of their recommendations for consideration.
The Board has six members, two elected by the membership of the Trust, and four appointed by the Minister of Conservation following a process of public nominations. In making appointments, the Minister must have regard to environmental and conservation values; the interests of rural landowners and the Māori community.
Before making appointments, the Minister consults with the Ministers of Māori Development and Agriculture, and with Federated Farmers of New Zealand Inc.
The Board meets as required. Directors receive a fee of $11,000 per annum plus reimbursement of costs relating to Board business.
For more information about the Trust and its current Board of Directors visit the QEII website.