
NZCA Chair, Edward Ellison ONZM, gives an update on the latest meeting.

New Zealand Conservation Authority meeting August 2024

The Authority held its latest meeting on 15 and 16 August in Wellington. Our new members, Puna Wano-Bryant and Mick Abbott are settling into their roles nicely and are already proving to be valuable members of the Authority.

Once again, the Minister joined our meeting for an hour session; we are encouraged at his dedication to attending Authority meetings and taking note of our advice to him. We look forward to continuing to build this relationship.

The highlight of the meeting was a powerful presentation from Rangi Kipa and Bernard Makorae on the continued problems they face as artists/practitioners regarding access to and trade in Tohora creative works. We felt very privileged to see firsthand Rangi’s sculptures and carvings, whilst listening to his and Bernard’s moving korero. The Authority have recently formally adopted our 1997 Māori Customary Use paper; therefore, this was a timely presentation, and the Authority intend to investigate and understand the application of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) further.

Minister of Conservation session

Hon Tama Potaka, Minister of Conservation, joined the meeting for an hour session. The Authority utilised this time to provide advice to the Minister on his priorities. We affirmed the importance of Te Mana o Te Taiao and encouraged the Minister to consider TMoTT across all of his priorities. Further, we advised him of our current focus on the Options Development Group recommendations and our intention to elevate and give effect to the recommendations. The Authority and the Minister shared our aspirations to fix the Department’s management planning system and concession system.

D-G and DD-G strategic session

Sia Aston (DD-G Public Affairs) joined to present the Director-General on behalf of Penny Nelson, who was unavailable to attend. Sia discussed with the Minister’s priorities and the refreshed DOC strategy. Sia also discussed the Department’s ‘Mobilise for Nature’ programme, which is funded through the International Visitor Levy. The programme aims to raise awareness for conservation via connections through wide groups of people. In turn, the Authority advised that talking to cabinet Ministers would be a good place to start, with clear messaging about the value of our indigenous biodiversity

Stephanie Rowe (DD-G Biodiversity, Heritage and Visitors) then presented to the Authority the next iteration of the Biodiversity Implementation Plan. The Authority encouraged the Department to continue to exercise their function in advocating for biodiversity on private land.

NZCA's section 4 obligations

Section 4 obligations are a standing item on the agendas of the Authority’s meetings. During this session, members discussed the Options Development Group recommendations. The Authority will be continuing their focus on the ODG recommendations via the Treaty Partnerships Committee meetings and during meetings of the full Authority.

Conservation Board Chairs’ Conference 2024

The Authority meeting was succeeded by the Conservation Board Chairs Conference on 17 and 18 August at the Wharewaka Function Centre on Wellington Waterfront. On behalf of the Authority, I would like to extend our thanks to the Board Chairs for their attendance; discussions were robust and insightful throughout the hui.


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Nāku iti noa, nā

Edward Ellison ONZM
Chairperson NZCA

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