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View publications of the New Zealand Conservation Authority / Te Pou Atawhai Taiao O Aotearoa

Briefing to the Incoming Minister 2020

November 2020: The NZCA welcome Hon Kiritapu Allan as the new Minister of Conservation in 2020, and provide an introduction to its portfolio of work.

Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Conservation 2017

October 2017: The NZCA welcome Hon Eugenie Sage as the new Minister of Conservation in 2017, and provide an introduction to its portfolio of work.

Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Conservation 2011

February 2012: The NZCA provided its strategic priorities to the Incoming Minister of Conservation after the 2011 General Election. Read the briefing to the Minister.

Protecting New Zealand's Rivers

November 2011: Read the New Zealand Conservation Authority's views on the protection and use of rivers.

Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Conservation 2008

November 2008: Read the briefing to the incoming Minister of Conservation 2008 from the NZCA.

General Policy for National Parks

General Policy for National Parks provides guidance for managing national parks. It replaces General Policy for National Parks 1983. Published 2005.

Department of Conservation's Statutory Planning Processes

Learn what DOC's statutory planning processes mean to you and how you can have your say. Published 2006.

Pests and weeds: A blueprint for action factsheet

This factsheet summarises the results and recommendations of the NZCA's report on pests and weeds, the costs to the economy and the courses of action needed to combat them. Published 1999.

Maori customary use

View NZCA's report and discussion paper on Maori customary use of native birds plants and other traditional materials. Published 1997.