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NZCA's approval of the Wellington Conservation Management Strategy


Read the NZCA's letter to the Director-General and Chair of the Wellington Conservation Board approving the Wellington Conservation Management Strategy

To:  Lou Sanson, Director-General Department of Conservation
       Jenny Rowan, Chair Wellington Conservation Board
Date:  21 November 2018

I am pleased to advise that having received confirmation from the Minister of Conservation and iwi that the New Zealand Conservation Authority (the Authority) are required to consult with (Toa Rangatira Trust, Port Nicholson Board Settlement Trust (representing the Harbour Islands Kaitiaki Board), Rangitāne o Manawatū Settlement Trust, and Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust), that they had no further comments on the Wellington Conservation Management Strategy (CMS), the Authority has now moved to approve the document.

At its meeting in Wellington on 30 and 31 August 2018, the Authority delegated to the Wellington CMS Committee the ability to approve the CMS, subject to feedback from the Minister of Conservation and relevant iwi. Accordingly, pursuant to section 17F(p)(i) of the Conservation Act 1987, the Authority approves the Wellington CMS, which will become operative on 20 January 2019.

The Authority acknowledges all the hard work that has gone into the preparation of the CMS, and looks forward to continuing to work with the Board and the Department in its implementation.

Yours sincerely

Kerry Prendergast
Chair, NZCA