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Marine protection for the New Zealand subantarctic islands


Scattered across the Southern Ocean are five island groups we call ‘the subantarctics’. Together they form one of the last bastions of nature on the planet. Action now to protect these marine areas will allow us to safeguard this treasure trove for years to come. Published 2006.

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Marine protection for the New Zealand subantarctic islands (PDF, 2,409K)


This document is a background paper in preparation towards planning for the protection of the marine environment around the subantarctic island groups located in the Subantarctic Islands Marine Biogeographic Region: the Bounty, Antipodes and Campbell/Motu Ihupuku Islands.

It focuses on ways protection could be extended from the land masses into the inshore marine environment.

The first part of this document outlines the geological, climatic, oceanographic and biological characteristics of the island groups, and summarises the human history in the area, as well as the way the area is currently managed and used. Each of the three island groups is then described in closer focus, with emphasis on the marine environment.

The document outlines the issues faced in the Subantarctic region including the existing and potential pressures on the natural environment. It also outlines the current management regime and then sets out the steps for developing options for protection of the marine environment for the future.