Foreword, Contents and Location map (PDF, 89K)
Abstract, 1. Introduction, 2. Methodology and 3. Ecological character (PDF, 113K)
4.Site descriptions and 4.1 Level 1 sites (list only) (PDF, 59K)
4.1 Level 1 sites
4.2 Level 2 sites (list only) (PDF, 28K)
5. Summary and conclusions (PDF, 158K)
The Maungataniwha Range curves across the lower part of this large sprawling Ecological District like a lateral backbone. Radiating from this is a host of habitats, which are very fragmented in the north and east, but with actual or partial linkages in the west and south of the District. It is typical of the Far North hinterland, a complex of dissected hill country, narrow gullies and windy ridges, much of which is reverting to native forest following extensive clearance.
This report is a snapshot in time. Since the field surveying began, several areas have been reduced in size, or in some cases, disappeared altogether, and ongoing developments, particularly from exotic forestry, threaten to further reduce many of the areas.
Maungataniwha poses a great challenge, not only to maintain its biological diversity, but to enhance it, through restoration of degraded areas, protecting threatened species populations, and strengthening the linkages between the habitats.