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Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai
About us
Our structure
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Our structure
Find out about our Minister, Director-General, senior leaders and business groups.
The Minister of Conservation is Hon Tama Potaka and the Minister for Hunting and Fishing is Hon James Meager.
Penny Nelson is the Director-General of the Department of Conservation.
Senior leadership team
Read the biographies of DOC's senior leadership team.
Business groups
Our business groups are managed by Deputy Director-Generals who, with the Director-General, form our senior leadership team.
New Zealand Conservation Authority - NZCA
The NZCA / Te Pou Atawhai Taiao O Aotearoa is a national statutory body that provides strategic policy advice to DOC and the Minister.
Conservation boards
Conservation Boards share in a vision to protect our flora and fauna. They represent the public interest in conservation within their region.