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DOC uniform kōwhaiwhai pattern.

Our uniform


Discover the cultural story behind elements of our uniform.


The kōwhaiwhai (scroll pattern) represents connectedness to the land and life into the future.


The use of a toki zip-pull acknowledges the importance of toki in our cultural past and symbolises a synergy between mana whenua and DOC.


Manu symbol
Image: DOC

A manu graphic featured on zip-pulls represents small unseen forest birds referred to as  Te Tini o te Hākuturi – the spirit guardians of the forest.

It symbolises drawing knowledge from our ancestors and the role of kaitiaki (guardians), safeguarding and nurturing the natural environment. 


Green represents mokopuna (descendants) and subdued natural colours represent kaumātua (elders).

Early Māori history is represented through the colour grey, primarily used on the trims. The grey-coloured pakohe (argillite) was used for tool-making and was a fundamental part of Māori civilisation.