In 2012, the National Survey of New Zealanders captured the views of 3885 New Zealanders aged 18 years and over through a combination of telephone and online methods. The results of the 2012 survey are detailed in the following reports.
Methodology report (PDF, 486K)
Read about the methodology for the 2012 National Survey of New Zealanders.
Attitudes, engagement and favourability (PDF, 2,034K)
Find out about New Zealanders’ attitudes towards conservation, their understanding of its benefits and the extent to which they contribute personally toward conservation. Read about New Zealanders’ perceptions of DOC as an organisation.
Visitor and historic (PDF, 2,093K)
View information on New Zealanders' awareness and use of public conservation lands and waters. Understand how New Zealanders appreciate our historic heritage.
Information bookings and online services (PDF, 712K)
Understand how New Zealanders find out about places to visit, their use of the Department’s online booking system and their views on the services that DOC should provide online.
Kauri dieback (PDF, 349K)
Find out about awareness of Kauri Dieback disease among New Zealanders visiting public conservation land in the upper North Island. See what actions visitors have taken to reduce its spread.