In 2011 the National Survey of New Zealanders captured the views of more than 3600 New Zealanders aged 18 years and over through a combination of telephone and online responses. The results of the 2011 survey are detailed in the following reports.
Overview presentation (PDF, 1,500K)
See an overview presentation of the 2011 National Survey of New Zealanders.
Conservancy comparison (PDF, 1,646K)
View a regional break down of key results from the National Survey of New Zealanders.
Methodology (PDF, 377K)
Read about the methodology for the 2011 National Survey of New Zealanders.
Quintessentially kiwi (PDF, 321K)
Find out about the plants, animals and places that help define us as New Zealanders.
Destination Management Framework (PDF, 779K)
Find out about New Zealanders' awareness and use of public conservation lands and waters, including our recreation and historic heritage.
Public perception (PDF, 498K)
Find out about New Zealanders’ perceptions of the Department of Conservation
Attitudes to conservation (PDF, 816K)
Find out about New Zealanders’ attitudes to conservation and their perceptions about its benefits