Destination management is the coordinated management of all the elements that make up a site or destination – its values, attractions, the people, infrastructure, access and how the place is marketed.
This approach encourages the connection of site management activities that are often traditionally undertaken in isolation.
Download the 2011 document: Destination Management Framework: A new approach to managing destinations (PDF, 1370K)
Published 2011
The Destination Management Framework (DMF) is a set of principles and associated actions that support DOC’s strategic vision for conservation, New Zealand is the greatest living space on Earth – Kāore he wāhi i tua atu i a Aotearoa, hei wahi noho i te ao. DMF focuses on increasing the participation of people in recreation and in protecting our historic heritage.
New Zealand is internationally recognised as being a fantastic place to visit, for its scenery, culture and history. New Zealanders are proud of their country, and enjoy its special places and adventure opportunities. The forests, mountains, rivers, beaches, historic places, birds and marine mammals, and the local communities that share these treasures, all contribute to a diverse country, and public conservation areas protect and showcase many of its unique features.
The responsibility for protecting these treasures today and into the future is bigger than DOC. One way of engaging more people in this task is through better enabling people to visit conservation areas, as well as responding to a traditional expectation that people will have access to protected areas to recreate and enjoy. Therefore, places need to be managed with the visitor experience in mind.
By managing places to ensure they provide the type of recreation experiences people want from their visit to public conservation areas, more people will recreate in these places, and from this comes a number of benefits to individuals and society. People will improve their health and wellbeing, spend quality time with family and friends, learn about their heritage, and strengthen their ‘sense of place’ (connection with specific places). Society will benefit through individuals having a greater connection with conservation values, and understanding that our environment is not just a decorative backdrop, but is the cornerstone of our lives and our prosperity. People giving positive recommendations about DOC-managed places to others means the places that people most value can be identified and managed for everyone’s enjoyment into the future.
DOC is a significant provider of tourism and outdoor recreation opportunities in New Zealand. This framework aims to ensure that the delivery of these opportunities is focused, fit for purpose, demand-driven and affordable, and that DOC works with others in providing such opportunities. In this way, it will help people to consider money spent on conservation as an investment in all of our future wellbeing and prosperity.
The DMF has been developed to define all our work in tourism and recreation opportunity management for the future, and to reshape our priorities for historic heritage.The DMF is part of a range of change programmes that will help DOC to better achieve its conservation objectives, through increased efficiencies and working with others.
A guide to recreation and historic heritage terms used by the DMF.
DOC vision | New Zealand is the greatest living space on Earth | ||||
Conservation message | People prosper from a healthy functioning environment and all the benefits it brings – not just benefits like clean air and fresh water, but also a vast choice of recreational options and spaces. Investing in these public spaces is good for our future health and wellbeing. | ||||
Intermediate outcomes |
| ||||
Key outputs | Opportunity provision is driven by demand | Destination investment is optimised to meet demand | Every destination provides a quality experience | Opportunities are promoted | Outcomes are achieved by working with others |
Opportunities and their promotion are defined by what people want | Icon destinations best reflect the grandeur and history of New Zealand | Management guidelines deliver desirable experiences at each destination | Promotion is directly linked to an understanding of visitor preferences | DOC, agencies and businesses work together to provide complementary opportunities | |
Recreation trends are monitored | Gateways introduce people to the outdoors | Facilities and services meet the needs of visitors | Information and promotion is focused on increasing participation | Commercial opportunities and partnerships grow tourism | |
The effectiveness of outcomes is measured | Local gems best meet local and regional needs | Visitors understand risks and, where appropriate, risks are managed for them | Collaborative marketing promotes destinations | People see themselves as guardians and hosts of their places | |
Destinations that best enable teaching the education curriculum | A backcountry network provides challenging adventures | Visitor use and service delivery is monitored | People have good access to information | Planning and decision making involves communities | |
Specific measure of success | People are active in their destinations of choice | Efficient investment in recreation | Evidence of repeat visitation and recommending to others | People access and use information | Common understanding and cooperation |
General measure of success |
Destination management is the coordinated management of all the elements that make up a site or destination – its values, attractions, the people, infrastructure, access and how the place is marketed. This approach encourages the connection of site management activities that are often traditionally undertaken in isolation.
It makes sense to look at the management of places in an integrated way, since that is the way visitors experience them – as a whole place, not a series of different parts.
The application of destination management has been shown to result in not only a place that is better managed, but one that provides a quality experience for those who visit. It includes showcasing sustainable practices that use resources wisely, and protecting the natural and historic values at places. This remains the core function of DOC. Different people view destinations in different ways:
DOC uses the term 'destination' to mean a geographic area that is the focus of a single trip by a visitor. Destinations can be described in terms of required infrastructure and in terms of promotion, both of which are important for encouraging people to participate.
Some DOC-managed destinations are predominantly the responsibility of DOC, i.e. DOC provides the majority of the infrastructure. At other DOC-managed destinations, a commercial business provides the infrastructure and manages the visitor experience, e.g. ski fields. Some destinations are managed with a combination of DOC and community effort.
The promotion of destinations is not necessarily focused on the infrastructure, and often involves different parties. For example, a regional tourism organisation provides information about all attractions (destinations) within their region, while Tourism New Zealand markets New Zealand by carefully focusing on a number of key markets around the world and a select group of consumers within those key markets.
Destination management requires us to be aware of these different perspectives.
New Zealand is the greatest living space on Earth.
DOC has investigated its current approach to managing recreation and tourism opportunities in the context of today’s society and its needs and preferences. There are compelling reasons for change:
DOC is developing a national framework for managing its recreation and historic destinations, to better align these investments with what people enjoy and value. The DMF is a coordinated approach to manage the elements that make up a destination – its attractions, values, the people, infrastructure, access and how the place is marketed. This approach encourages integrated management of places, as that is the way visitors experience them – as a whole place, not a series of different parts. Investment decisions will be made within a national context so that we can better meet the needs of New Zealanders and visitors to our country. DOC will be investing more at places that are popular and valued, and that provide commercial and/or community opportunities.
Mountain biking is an activity that in 2007/08 6.1% of the New Zealand population engaged, but which only 20 years ago was still in its infancy in New Zealand. DOC manages 13,000 km of walking and tramping tracks, the majority of which are not suitable for mountain biking because they are too steep and rugged for all but the experts. The track network has traditionally been used for pedestrian activities (walking, tramping, hunting, and running), and the concept of allowing mountain bikes to use the tracks suitable for bikes was viewed with some concern by DOC land managers and walkers alike.
These concerns were based on the fact that tracks deteriorate differently when bikes are used on them, and that someone biking at speed on a track can startle a walker or tramper, potentially causing an accident. Because of these issues DOC has been cautious in allowing mountain bikers access to tracks.
The development of a biker’s codei, a joint initiative between DOC and New Zealand MTB Association encourages mountain bikers to 'respect others, respect the rules ands respect the track'. Tracks that will be used by mountain bikers can be designed with features that reduce erosion and allow a range of different users. Having tracks dedicated to mountain biking also means that walkers can choose not to put themselves at risk. Mountain bike enthusiasts are now helping to create and manage tracks for mountain biking, and DOC is now one of the land managers that helps 6.1% of the population enjoy their chosen recreation activity.
The growing popularity of mountain biking is an example of why DOC needs to be aware of changing recreation preferences so it can respond appropriately.
There are a number of challenges that will influence future outdoor recreation and tourism opportunities in New Zealand.
With increasing competition for people’s leisure time, and long-distance travel becoming a barrier because of time and cost, it appears that outdoor recreation participation is declining and recruitment of new people into nature-based activities may also be decreasing.Increased participation is critical to realising the social benefits attributable to investment in outdoor recreation and will involve:
As people’s circumstances change, their leisure choices change. Recreation facilities and opportunities need to reflect society’s changing needs. Managing opportunities that meet local and national needs requires DOC to:
DOC is expected to demonstrate high standards of biodiversity and historic heritage protection, and to provide opportunities for recreation and commercial use of conservation land. However, the wide range of ways in which these different groups use places can create situations of conflict. Developing society’s awareness and participation in conservation management is essential to ensure ongoing access to and use of protected areas. This will involve:
New Zealand society is changing – a greater proportion of people are in older age groups and we have wider ethnic diversity. DOC needs to demonstrate that the recreation opportunities available in conservation areas contribute to personal and social health and wellbeing so that DOC can respond to changing customer demand, and continue to demonstrate relevance.
One clear challenge is that DOC currently can not afford to maintain its current investment approach into the future.
Managing for change will require us to:
The DMF sets the context for increasing participation in these ways:
The flowchart shows Government policy, leads to major public sector strategies, leads to other drivers and inititiatives, leads to DOC's response through DMF
The following sections explain each area of focus in more detail, drawing on the case study of the Cape Reinga Coastal Walkway to demonstrate how DOC is putting the framework into practice.
People visit public conservation areas because:
Therefore, to increase participation levels DOC needs to:
To achieve this, DOC needs to:
Te Rerenga Wairua (Cape Reinga) is one of New Zealand’s most visited sites, drawing thousands of visitors a year.
Enterprise Northland and Northland Regional Council identified potential sites for a nationally important recreational experience in the area, and Te Paki Reserves were identified as well suited to a high quality multi-day walk aimed at encouraging eco-based small businesses and further recreational challenge/use.The current track network within the Te Paki Reserves links two existing Standard Camps (Tapotupotu and Spirits Bay) and provides a 4 day hike from Spirits Bay to Te Paki Stream including Cape Reinga. Users include day visitors from the camps, walkers starting the Te Araroa Trail and multi-day trampers. However, the track network has been under-utilised primarily due to the fragmented nature of the walks which don’t offer a “holistic” experience, the fresh water supply en route being very limited and the track being relatively unknown.
Multi-day trampers are increasing in number thus increasing negative visitor impact within Te Paki Reserve which will not be able to cope into the future.
DOC manages a very extensive network of front country and backcountry places, which include over 230 picnic areas, 13,000 km of tracks (including 8 Great Walks), 660 historic places, 330 campsites and 2,200 km of roads. These facilities have been developed and acquired over time, in response to changing demands. The enthusiasm for securing and retaining public access to a range of opportunities has resulted in a corresponding over-commitment to a wide range of opportunities that current resource commitments can not sustain into the future.
DOC needs to provide an optimal mix of facilities and services across the desired range of opportunities in the most cost-effective way.
To achieve this, destinations will be managed as:
In selecting an appropriate mix of opportunities, DOC is making a commitment to support all four of these types of opportunity. However, the number of destinations within each category must be limited to achieve a balance that continues to encourage people to participate.
To achieve this, DOC needs to:
A multi-day track provides an opportunity that is very limited in the far north; a coastal multi-day walk is even rarer. As well as traversing a variety of beautiful and unique landforms and offering spectacular views of the cape region, the track would also have a much longer season and expand the tramping visitor’s options.
The walkway follows the coastline of Te Paki, and runs fromKapowairua / Spirits Bay on the East Coast, past Cape Reinga, Cape Maria van Dieman and Te Paki Stream on the West Coast. From there, you can continue along 90 Mile Beach all the way to Ahipara.
Because of the climate and unreliable water supply, water will be provided at the camps along the trail. Tidal stream crossings mean good information is also needed so people can plan their trip to coincide with low tide.
New Zealand’s reputation as a great place to explore for overseas tourists and New Zealanders alike relies on our ability to provide visitor experiences that reflect what is special about our country in a way that is appealing and will lead people to recommend these places to others.
DOC needs to provide quality experiences so that people feel their time was well spent.
Each part of their visit should complement the whole. All facilities should be maintained to the required standard and designed to add to the setting, and it should be evident that care is being taken of the natural or historic values.
Meeting people’s expectations also adds to the quality of an experience. People who seek security and safety in a highly managed setting can feel confident at icons and gateways, while people who want to be in control of their own experience can find this in the backcountry networks and local treasures.
To achieve this DOC needs to:
The Cape Reinga Coastal Walkway has stunning views, varied terrain, historical significance and also offers tracks to suit different fitness levels.
The tracks traverse a variety of beautiful and unique landforms, and offers spectacular views of the cape region. It follows the coastline of Te Paki, and runs from Kapowairua / Spirits Bay on the East Coast, past Cape Reinga, Cape Maria van Dieman and Te Paki Stream on the WestCoast. From there Ahipara can be accessed via 90 Mile Beach.
The walkway consists of interlinking track sections, leading across dunes, idyllic beaches, dramatic headlands, regenerating coastal forest, pastureland and wetlands filled with birdlife and native plants. Access is possible to areas of historic and archaeological interest in the Te Paki Farm Park.
Visitors can attempt the whole walkway or sections to suit available time, fitness levels and interests. Track sections range from 30 minutes to several hours duration.
Local community support for conservation areas is influenced by the benefits they experience and obtain from those places.
By providing opportunities that appeal to local communities and attract people to particular areas, there will be increased support for DOC and its activities, and greater involvement by local communities in conservation work.
By working closely with others to provide great tourism and recreation opportunities in public conservation areas, DOC will encourage partners to contribute to the vision.There is a strong incentive for tourism and outdoor recreation businesses to establish and grow when the infrastructure and setting is being managed as a public good.By being deliberate and clear about its priorities for developing and managing destinations, DOC will provide more certainty for others and encourage investment.
To achieve this, DOC needs to:
Encourage and support the public to become involved in the management of public conservation areas and to act as hosts to others using these places.
Planning for the Cape Reinga Coastal Walkway has been collaboration between DOC, iwi groups, Enterprise Northland and Northland Regional Council. Management of the trail requires coordination between DOC and Te Araroa Trust.
By incorporating social and economic goals with ecological outcomes, DOC Kaitaia aims to help local communities and visitors alike to connect with, understand, and celebrate the unique heritage and conservation values of the area. Local operators will be able to transport people to and from the track and other local businesses will provide accommodation, equipment and other supplies.
There is much competition for people’s leisure time.
For recreation and tourist destinations to be accessible to the public, people need to be aware they are available, and see these opportunities as desirable.
Media technology is changing and people now expect a range of options for learning about what is available to them.
More is being learnt about the range of preferences within society. To appeal to a wider audience, a good understanding of those preferences will help managers decide not only what is provided but also how to promote what is on offer.
DOC needs to be deliberate about its marketing and promotion of destinations if it is to encourage more people to participate.
To achieve this DOC needs to:
More people participating in outdoor recreation and tourism will deliver more benefits that contribute to the health and wellbeing of society:
The changes suggested in this framework signal some fundamentally different thinking to deliberately align investment with the following principles:
This will involve choosing the places that are most likely to be successful, to ensure that managed destinations are able to attract people and provide memorable experiences. Opportunities for peace and natural quiet, solitude, remoteness and wilderness will be retained, but it is recognised that this should not be at the expense of allowing more people to visit a range of places of their choosing.
We are not anticipating a complete change in the network of opportunities. This framework will require DOC to put more focus on places that are popular or have high potential to be popular, and would therefore be of benefit to more New Zealanders. This will require a reduction of effort in low-priority areas, which may not be to everyone’s liking. Further work on determining an optimal product mix will clarify what changes are needed. DOC will need to improve communication with stakeholders about this planning and implement nationally consistent processes for resource allocation to make this work.
The expectation is that there will be a discernable improvement overall in the opportunities being provided and the information that is available. More people will feel that they have a personal stake in the special places being visited, more people will visit more places and, as a consequence, the next generation of New Zealanders will have a range of opportunities that they value and use.
DOC is now working within the activity streams, to develop tools and guidance that enable consistent approaches to decision making and encourage effective engagement with others.
What does DOC manage?
Who visits public conservation land?
Where do people visit?
Annual visitation of people to a small range of destinations (north to south):
What commercial activity is supported on public conservation land?
Over 1,500 recreational and tourism operators held concessions to operate on public conservation land in 2010. The activities range from guided walks to accommodation, aircraft, events skiing and boat operators.
What facilities does DOC manage?
In the 4,500 destinations, DOC is responsible for:
How do I find out about these places?