Regional Coastal Plan: Kermadec and Subantarctic Islands (PDF, 6,571K)
Operative from 15 September 2017
The two key threats to these island groups are from biosecurity breaches and oil spills. However, the offshore islands are so remote and in such rough seas that a response to either type of event will be very challenging. Given the significant natural values, a precautionary approach focussing on prevention, is critical.
The preparation of a regional coastal plan for New Zealand's offshore islands by the Minister of Conservation is a legal requirement under section 31A of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). The offshore islands include the Kermadec Islands and the Subantarctic Islands (Snares Islands/Tini Heke, the Bounty Islands, the Antipodes Islands, the Auckland Islands, Campbell Island/Motu Ihupuku and the islands adjacent to Campbell Island/Motu Ihupuku).
The isolation of these islands is a key reason for the Minister of Conservation being responsible for the preparation and monitoring of this regional coastal plan. Their isolation is also key to the islands' retention of natural features and abundant unique and diverse flora and fauna, as summarised in the values section.
This plan aims to give effect to the purpose of the RMA by providing for the sustainable management of the coastal marine areas of the Kermadec and Subantarctic Islands.
Sections 12, 14 and 15 of the RMA restrict certain activities in the coastal marine area unless expressly allowed by a rule in a regional coastal plan or a resource consent.
This plan contains objectives, policies and methods including rules, which establish the framework within which certain uses are permitted and proposals for activities can be assessed.
This plan provides certainty for existing and potential users of the coastal marine area through the provision of these rules.
The plan requires vessels intending to go inside 1000 m from mean high water springs of the islands to have a clean hull.
Hull inspections can be undertaken in dry dock or in the water. The hull inspection forms in Appendix 4 must be completed during an inspection and sent to DOC prior to departure. A list of dive and dry dock service providers approved by the Minister of Conservation to undertake those inspections is provided below.
If there is not a dive service provider near the point of departure for a vessel, or for any other reason you wish to use one that is not on the list, you can request an alternative service provider be added to the list. To be approved the inspectors must comply with Appendix 5 of the plan.
Ensure sufficient time is allowed for any proposed providers to be checked/confirmed prior to requiring them to carry out an inspection.
Dive companies approved to carry out hull inspections (PDF, 130K)
Email with any queries.