
View the bylaws of the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park and the Bay of Islands Maritime and Historic Park. Published 1984.

The Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park (not to be confused with the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park) was created by the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park Act in 1967. In 1984, bylaws were passed under this Act. Although the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park was abolished in 1990 along with its Board, the bylaws are still in force.

DOC is responsible for administering the bylaws and granting authorisation for activities restricted under the bylaws. Parties seeking authorisation should contact

Pursuant to the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park Act 1967 and the Reserves Act 1977, the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park Board and the Bay of Islands Maritime and Historic Park Board have made the following bylaws.

Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park and the Bay of Islands Maritime and Historic Park bylaws (PDF, 791K)
Note: This file is only available as a low quality scan of the original.

1. Interpretations

Pursuant to the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park Act 1967 and the Reserves Act 1977, the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park Board and the Bay of Islands Maritime and Historic Park Board have made the following bylaws.

In these bylaws -

"Animal" means any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish (including shellfish) or related organism, insect, crustacean, or organism of any kind; but does not include a human being.

"Board" means the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park Board appointed under the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park Act 1967, (or the Bay of Islands Maritime and Historic Park Board appointed under the Reserves Act 1977, as the case may be.

"Camp" means staying overnight in any tent, bivouac, vehicle or boat.

"Park" means the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park (or the Bay of Islands Maritime and Historic Park as the case may be) comprising - 
(a) the reserves described in the schedules
(b) any other reserve that may hereafter become part of the Park and come under control of the Board.

"Structure" includes any building, enclosure, fence, shed, landing place and any other erection of whatever nature and whatever material.

"Vehicle" means a contrivance equipped with wheels or revolving runners upon which it moves or is moved, and includes a contrivance from which the wheels or revolving runners have been removed.

2. Restrictions of entry during hours of closure

Unless specifically authorised by the Board, no person shall enter any reserve within the Park and remain therein during the hours when the reserve is closed to the public.

3. Gates

No person shall leave any gate in a different position from that in which he finds it; gates found open shall be left open and gates found closed shall be left closed.  

4. Misbehaviour

(a) Within the Park no person shall willfully obstruct, disturb or interfere with any other person in the use and enjoyment of the Park, or use foul, abusive, indecent or obscene language, or be intoxicated, noisy or riotous, or in any way misbehave.

(b) Within the Park no person shall cause disturbance to any domestic animals or livestock kept by or on behalf of or with the authority of the Board.

(c) Where any person commits an offence against the foregoing bylaw he shall commit a further offence if he does not leave the Park when requested by an officer of the Board.  

5. Planting

Except with the prior written consent of the Board no person shall plant any tree, shrub, or plant of any kind, or sow or scatter the seed of any tree, shrub or plant of any kind, or introduce any substance injurious to the plant life on the Park.

6. Dangerous weapons

(a) Except with the prior written permission of the Board, no person shall within the Park carry or use any weapon or instrument of a dangerous character (including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing provisions, any bow and arrow, catapault or shaghai).

7. Throwing stones etc

No person shall throw any stick, stone or other missile in a manner that may cause danger to other persons in the Park.

8. Tents, booths and other structures

No person shall put up or erect any stall, booth, tent, swing, or structure of any kind within the Park, except with the prior written permission of the Board and then only at such a place, for such a time or form, of such dimensions, and subject to such conditions as are specified in the permit Any fee charged by the Board in respect of the permit shall be payable in advance.

9. Selling food and drink

No person shall within the Park sell or offer or expose for sale or have in his possession for the purposes of sale any article of food or mechandise or any drink (whether intoxicating or otherwise), or carry on any trade, pursuit or calling, except within the prior permission in writing of the Board and then only in compliance with every condition specified in the permit.

Provided that no such permit shall be deemed to authorise the sale or offering or exposing for sale or the having in possession for the purpose of sale of any intoxicating liquor in contravention of any provision of the Licencing Act 1908.

10. Water

(a) No person shall within the Park permit or cause wastage of water or permit any water tap or flow for a longer period than is reasonably required to obtain water for drinking or cooking or other lawful purposes within the Park.

(b) No person shall in any manner pollute or otherwise render unfit for use for any purpose (whether for human consumption or not) any water supply in the Park.

11. Aircraft

(a) No person shall make use of any part of the Park for the purpose of landing or alighting thereon or the flying therefrom of aircraft of any kind (including aeroplanes, gliders, hovercraft and balloons) except in accordance with written permission previously obtained from the Board, but this bylaw shall not apply in cases of emergency.

(b) No person shall land in the Park by parachute except in cases of emergency.

(c) No person within the Park shall use or operate or attempt to use or operate a hang-glider.

(d) No person, operator or pilot of any aircraft of any description shall make use of any part of the Park for the purpose of setting down, picking up or recovery from within the Park of any person, livestock, carcass or article of any description except in accordance with the written permission of the Board previously obtained.

(e) This bylaw does not absolve persons from compliance with any requirements that the Director of Civil Aviation may stipulate.

12. Fires

(a) No person shall light any fire, except at picnic places in fireplaces provided by the Board, without the express permission of the Board or an officer of the Board.

(b) No person shall light a fire in any position where it is likely to present a fire hazard.

(c) Every person who lights a fire within the Park shall keep that fire continuously under supervision until it is completely extinguished.

(d) No person shall drop, throw, or otherwise place in any combustible material, any match, lighted cigarette, or other lighted matter, except for the purpose of lighting a fire as permitted by these bylaws.

(e) Nothing in this bylaw shall excempt an offender from liaibility under any other Act, with respect to the lighting of fires.

13. Litter

No person shall deposit or throw on any part of the Park any litter, rubbish, or any substance or article of a dangerous or offensive nature or likely to be of a dangerous or offensive nature except in a place or recepticle approved and provided by the Board for that purpose.

14. Animals

Unless specifically authorised by the Board, no person shall bring any animal into the Park, or allow any animal in his custody or charge or under his control to be within the Park.

15. Sports and games

(a) No person shall play at or engage in any sport or game in the Park or any specified part of the Park if he is expressly forbidden to do so by any person acting under the authority of the Board.

(b) No person (not being a competitor or official taking part in the sport or game) shall, if forbidden to do so by a person acting under the authority of the Board (either generally or in any particular case) or by any constable, enter in or remain in any portion of the Park marked out as the playing are for any sport or game while that sport or game is in progress.

16. Vehicle and other traffic

(a) No person shall drive or ride any animal or any vehicle (whether propelled by mechanical power or not) within the Park in a manner which, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, is or might be dangerous to the public or to any person.

(b) No person shall take, ride or drive any animal or any vehicle (whether propelled by mechanical power or not) into or in the Park except upon such parts as are laid off for vehicular traffic.

(c) No person shall take on to, or drive on, any island within the Park any vehicle (whether propelled by mechanical power or not) without the prior written consent of the Board and then only subject to such conditions and restrictions as the Board may impose in granting such consent.

17. Parking

(a) No person shall park any vehicle (not being a bicycle) within the Park except in a place set aside by the Board for the parking of vehicles.

(b) No person shall stop or stand any vehicle within the Park in such a place that it causes or is likely to cause an obstruction to any entrance, thoroughfare, path or walk in the Park.

(c) In the event of any vehicle being parked in any part of the Park where the parking of vehicles is prohibited, any ranger or any person employed by the Board may remove the vehicle to a place set aside by the Board for the parking of vehicles.

(d) In this bylaw the term "park", in the relation to any vehicles means to stand the vehicle in the Park for a period exceeding five minutes.

18. Assemblance of persons

(a) No person shall attend or take part in any organised meeting or assemblage of persons or sport or games or any other purposes whatsoever or any organised picnic in the Park, unless the holding of the meeting or assemblage or picnic in the reserve has been permitted in writing by the Board.

(b) For the purposes of this bylaw an organised meeting or assemblage or picnic is one that is attended by employees or members of any Government Department, trade union, club, company, firm, incorporated body, religious organisation, or any other body of persons, or any group of several such organisations.

19. Notices and bills

Except with the prior permission in writing of the Board, no person shall post any placard, bill, poster or notice within the Park or interfere with any placard, bill, poster or notice lawfully erected in the Park, or, if called upon by any person to desist by any person authorised by the Board (either generally or in any particular case), distribute any handbill or notice within or at any entrance to the Park.

20. Grass plots and flower beds

(a) No person shall walk on any grass plot or other place within the Park where the same is prohibited by a notice to that effect.

(b) No person shall walk on any flower bed or shrubbery within the Park.

21. Damage to property

No person shall remove, disturb, break, destroy, paint or carve or write names or letters or words or figures or devices on, or deface any buidling, object of art, natural object, historic or archaeological feature, erection, tool, instrument, seat, gate, bridge, fence, or tree within the Park.

22. Noise

No person shall, if forbidden so to do by any person authorised by the Board (either generally or in any particular case), use or play any instrument (musical or otherwise), any type of public address system or any type of amplified sound system, in the Park, or cause in any way any sound or noise that disturbs or annoys or is likely to disturb or annoy other occupiers or users of the Park.

23. Portable generators

No person shall install or operate a portable electric generator in any part of the Park, except in an emergency or when the Board considers it is necessary for the proper or beneficial management, administration or control of the Park.

24. Camping

No person shall camp in the Park except in a place set aside by the Board for camping purposes, and then only subject to such conditions, for such period of time and upon payment of such fee as the Board prescribes.

25. General

Nothing in these bylaws shall be deemed to limit or prevent the taking of proceedings under any Act in respect of any offence committed within the Park.

26. Penalty

Every person who commits a breach of these bylaws commits an offence and is liable accordingly to the penalty prescribed in Section 104 of the Reserves Act 1977.

List of reserves

Reserves in the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park
Land Classification Area (ha)
Aldermen Islands Nature 133.5462
Brown's Island Recreation 59.8934
Bream Islands

2 inner islands are scenic
2 outer islands are nature

Beehive Island Not classified - privately owned .8093
Casnell Island Scenic 6.7784
Cuvier (part) Nature 171.1820
Goat Island Scientific 9.3077
Great Barrier Island (part) Part historic; part scenic; part recreation 840.8949
Hen and Chicken Islands Nature 842.4542
Kawau (part) Part historic; part scenic; part recreation 220.2396
Little Barrier Island Nature 2816.6120
Mercury Islands (excluding Great Mercury) Part nature; part scenic 346.4107
Mokohinau Islands (excluding Burgess) Nature 108.05010
Motuihe Island Recreation 178.6433
Motuora Island Recreation 79.7230
Motutapere Island Scenic 45.8000
Motutapu Island Recreation 1508.6679
Motutara Island Scenic 4.0005
North Head Historic 8.7201
Pinnacles and Sugarloaf (Poor Knights Group) Nature 4.4000
Poor Knights Islands Nature 267.0000
Rakino Island (part) Recreation 9.6617
Rangitoto Island Scenic 2310.8434
Sail Rock (Tuturu) Nature 1.7500
Saddle Island Scenic 4.6538
Tiritiri Matangi Island (part) Scientific 206.5282

Reserves in the Bay of Islands Maritime and Historic Park
Reserves Classification Area (ha)
Akeake Point Historic 15.4424
Ballast Point Scenic .2700
Black Rocks Recreation 16.1874
Bland Bay Recreation 21.4585
Deep Cove Scenic 4.7424
Flagstaff Hill Historic 4.3501
Harata Historic 4.6000
Harrison Scenic 11.7521
Horotutu Scenic 29.1879
Kahuwhera Pa Historic 2.3016
Kaimarama Bay Recreation 2.0234
Kerikeri Basin Recreation 24.6679
Kerikeri Inlet Scenic .8296
Kororareka Scenic 5.0205
Kororipo Pa Historic 2.3269
Mahinepua Peninsula Scenic 36.2800
Marsden Cross Historic 13.0424
Manginangina Scenic 100.9011
Matauwhi Bay Recreation 6.0395
Mimiwhangata Marine Park 59.9800
Matuarahi Scenic 1.6364
Motuarohia (Roberton Island) Recreation 15.3274
Motukawanui Scenic 354.5044
Motukiekie Leased for recreation purposes 28.8338
Motumaire Historic 4.1707
Moturua Scenic 135.5001
Motutapu Scenic .2950
Ngaiotonga Scenic 1162.5045
Okahu Island Scenic 21.3977
Oke Bay Scenic 25.1180
Okuratope Pa Historic 22.5966
Opua Recreation 1.6893
Opua Scenic 6.0180
Paparahi Point Recreation 28.4400
Poroporo Island Scenic 7.2843
Rainbow Falls Scenic 16.3662
Ranfurly Bay Scenic 532.8700
Rangitane Scenic 18.9223
Ruapekapeka Pa Historic 4.4621
Stockyard Point Scenic 2.6825
St Pauls Rock Scenic 73.2875
Taranaki Island Scenic .2200
Taronui Bay Recreation 18.5143
Tapeka Point Historic 7.6458
Te Pahi Islands Maori reservation 5.4800
Te Toroa Bay Scenic 100.7667
Tipatipa Scenic 44.8189
Timperley's Bush Scenic 1.2606
Toretore Island Scenic 2.0196
Urupukapuka Island Recreation 207.9675
Waewaetorea Island Recreation 46.6400
Waikare Historic 19.9400
Waipapa Stream Scenic .8296
Whangamumu Scenic 254.8304
Whangaruru North Head Scenic 341.3369
Whangaruru Harbour Scenic 2.5798

Letters of promulgation

Dept. of Lands and Surveys Auckland

The Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park Bylaws which were passed by The Board on 21st August, 1984 and approved by The Minister of Lands on 26th September, 1984 are hereby promulgated.

Frank D. Arnott

The Bay of Islands Historic Maritime Park Bylaws. With the exception of the definition of the word 'Board' in paragraph 1of these bylaws, identical bylaws were passed by the Bay of Islands Maritime and Historic Park Board on 5th December, 1984 and approved by the Minister of Lands on 22nd August, 1985.

O. J. Godfrey

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