
Read DOC's briefing to the incoming Minister of Conservation on their portfolio, the Department of Conservation, and our work. Published October 2017.

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Briefing to the incoming Minister of Conservation 2017 (PDF, 9,705K)

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This document has been proactively released, consistent with provisions of the Official Information Act 1982.


  1. Conservation: a strategic overview
    • New Zealand’s natural and historic heritage is central to our identity, society and economy
    • New Zealand’s conservation assets are highly valued, and under pressure
    • DOC’s strategy: our three strategic roles
  2. Introducing your department
    • DOC’s role
    • DOC’s organisational structure
    • DOC staff and locations
    • How we work with others to achieve our vision
  3. Working with you as Minister: a plan for your first 90 days
    • Strategic issues on which we would like to engage with you
    • Upcoming events and decisions

© Copyright October 2017, New Zealand Department of Conservation

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