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Tongariro National Park Management Plan


Find out about and view the Tongariro National Park Management Plan 2006 - updated 2011 and 2018.

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There are three documents relating to this plan – the original plan and the partial reviews in 2011 and 2018:

The original plan has not been updated so you will need to read the three documents together.


The Tongariro National Park Management Plan ('the plan') has been prepared in accordance with the National Parks Act 1980 and sets out the Department of Conservation's proposed intentions for managing Tongariro National Park.

Tongariro National Park is an outstanding international site with values unique in New Zealand. Its landscape and cultural values attract hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. With these visitors come issues, including conflict between users, impact on the environment and the need to maintain protection of the taonga acknowledged by the Gift from the Tūwharetoa people to the nation, which formed the nucleus of the park.

There is a special relationship between the iwi of the Volcanic Plateau and the mountains of Tongariro National Park. The relationship is a direct connection between today's people and their ancestors. The Ngāti Tūwharetoa and Ngāti Rangi people are the kaitiaki of the park.

This plan expresses the Department's intent and directions for management below the strategic level of the Tongariro/Taupō Conservation Management Strategy. It is consistent with the General Policy for National Parks 2005 and with the National Parks Act 1980.

The park community and Taupō Conservation Board participated actively in the development of this plan to ensure the park's ongoing protection for future generations. The New Zealand Conservation Authority approved the plan having regard for the views of the Minister of Conservation.

Timeline of changes

2010/ 2011 partial review

The 2010/2011 partial review amended sections of the Tongariro National Park Management Plan 2006 that were no longer working or necessary due to increased knowledge and/or changing circumstances.

The changes included:

  1. Removal of mountain biking on concessions and event management on the Old Coach Road and Desert Road to Pillars of Hercules tracks;
  2. Removal of the transport concession limit for the Tongariro Alpine Crossing (TAC);
  3. Removal of 04-05 financial returns to set TAC passenger limit;
  4. Allowing over-snow passenger-service transport use within ski areas; and
  5. Removal of the sole winter transport operator on Bruce Road.

The changes were approved by the New Zealand Conservation Authority on 13 October 2011.

2017/18 partial review

The 2017/18 partial review amended the Tongariro National Park Management Plan to provide for the development and use of new shared use cycling and walking tracks between Turoa and Ohakune, Mountain Road and Horopito, and Horopito and National Park. The routes in part follow the Blyth Track and historic Cowens’s and Bennett and Punch Tramways.


Bylaws are in place for Tongariro National Park, to control activities within the Park. These bylaws implement the NPMP. View the bylaws