
Find out about and view the West Coast Te Tai o Poutini Conservation Management Strategy 2010.

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We're currently reviewing the West Coast Te Tai o Poutini Conservation Management Strategy.

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The West Coast Te Tai Poutini Conservation Management Strategy (CMS) sets out DOC's proposed intentions for the integrated management of natural and physical resources located within the West Coast Tai Poutini CMS region (see Map 1 in Volume 1 of the CMS).

The CMS was approved in 2010 and remains operative unless formally reviewed in full, in part, or amended.

Although the CMS straddles areas under the jurisdiction of the Nelson Marlborough, Canterbury Aoraki and Otago Conservation Boards, the West Coast Tai Poutini Conservation Board has primary responsibility for implementing and reviewing the CMS.

Volume 1

Part 1: Introduction explains what a CMS is and how to use this CMS.

Part 2: Context describes where we are now, and provides the context for Parts 3 and 4.

Part 3: Management objectives and policies is organised by management themes that cover the entire West Coast Tai Poutini region. It focuses on conservation management objectives and policies, which are designed to achieve the desired outcomes described in Part 4.

Part 4: Desired outcomes outlines where we want to be, and presents the desired outcome pictures for (a) the entire West Coast Tai Poutini CMS region, and (b) specific Places within the region. Each outcome picture describes the condition of the West Coast Tai Poutini CMS region or a specific Place if the intent of this CMS is followed. It describes the conservation outcomes that the Department aims to achieve by implementing the objectives and policies identified in Part 3 of this CMS. The outcome pictures will be used to provide context and guidance for managers to make decisions about conservation management and other activities in the West Coast Tai Poutini CMS region.

Part 5: Monitoring - How we’ll know if we’re on track. It describes how the implementation of this CMS will be monitored.

Volume 2

Volume 2 is divided into three sections:

  • Section 1: statistical data on land units.
  • Section 2: an inventory of public conservation lands located within the West Coast Tai Poutini region. Individual land units have been numbered, named and quantified.
  • Section 3: a map index and 10 detailed 1:250 000 maps covering the West Coast Tai Poutini CMS region.

Related statutory plans

The following statutory plans apply to national parks within West Coast Tai Poutini CMS region and need to be read alongside the CMS:

Note: The national parks covered by plans shown with a * are only partially within West Coast Tai Poutini CMS region.

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