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Te Tāpui Tokotoru Conservation Management Plan


This 2008 plan provides the management framework for Moutohorā (Whale Island) Wildlife Management Reserve, Ōhope Scenic Reserve and Tauwhare Pā Scenic Reserve, together known as Te Tāpui Tokotoru.

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Te Tāpui Tokotoru Conservation Management Plan (PDF, 718K)


This plan, developed by Te Tapatoru ā Toi, provides the management framework for Moutohorā Wildlife Management Reserve, Ōhope and Tauwhare Pā Scenic Reserves, together known as Te Tāpui Tokotoru.

Mā te ngaruru ō te Tāpui Tokotoru ka noho momoho nga taonga tukuiho - taonga koiora hei painga huarahi mō ngā whakatipuranga ō ināianei ō ake tonu ake.

Moutohorā (Whale Island) Wildlife Management Reserve and Ōhope and Tauwhare Pā scenic reserves are managed to protect and enhance their ecological, historical, cultural, recreational and educational values.

This plan takes an integrated approach to the management of the three places which form Te Tāpui Tokotoru. The plan contains separate objectives for each reserve and brings them together.