
View the management plan for the Abel Tasman Foreshore Scenic Reserve 2012 - partially reviewed 2015.

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Abel Tasman Foreshore Scenic Reserve Management Plan (PDF, 5,889K)

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This management plan contains detailed objectives, policies, methods and outcomes at places for the management of the Abel Tasman Foreshore Scenic Reserve. It was approved in June 2012 and partially reviewed in 2015.

The Abel Tasman Foreshore Scenic Reserve Management Plan is a statutory document that implements the Nelson Marlborough Conservation Management Strategy and provides for the management of Abel Tasman Foreshore Scenic Reserve in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977, the Conservation Act 1987 and Conservation General Policy 2005.

The plan was developed by the Administration Committee, and approved by the Management Plan Approval Committee, in consultation with the Abel Tasman Foreshore Advisory Forum and representatives from tangata whenua, the Nelson Marlborough Conservation Board, the local community and other interested groups and individuals.

This plan, including the partial review, remains operative unless formally reviewed in full or in part or amended. Further reviews may occur at any time due to increased knowledge or changes in circumstances.


The primary purpose of designating the foreshore as scenic reserve was to maintain the quality of the visitor experience while protecting the natural features that make the Abel Tasman foreshore so special, including the scenic character of the coastline. The focus of this management plan is three-fold:

  1. Continuing to allow the public and adjoining landholders to use and enjoy the area as they have for many years, with few constraints
  2. Maintaining and enhancing the experiences of visitors and adjoining landholders
  3. Reducing and mitigating the effects of visitor use, particularly through management of commercial activities.

Landowner and concessionaire activity factsheets

The plan contains provisions that affect local landowners, as well as recreation concessionaires and the various activities that they carry out. These factsheets contain the key provisions from the plan:


Tasman District Council
Phone: +64 3 554 8400

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