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Our procedures and SOPs


DOC's procedural documents are provided here so we can share our best practice.


We are making the document/s available outside DOC to share our best practice. Any use by members of the public is at their own risk and DOC disclaims all liability in reference to that risk.

The document/s were written for DOC staff and may include DOC-specific terms and reference internal documents only accessible to DOC staff. You may need further help to do the work described and also need to get authorisation. Caveats may apply.

Chainsaw use standard operating procedures

Chainsaw use standard operating procedures

Find out about DOC's systems and templates for chainsaw use.

Conservation Dogs Programme procedures

Conservation Dogs Programme procedures

National standards and procedures must be followed by dog-handler teams and relevant project managers who require a dog-handler team.

Cycle  track service standards

Cycle track service standards

Standards for new and existing off-road cycle tracks on land managed by the Department of Conservation. Includes dual use pedestrian and cycle tracks.

Ground-based radio tracking protocol

Ground-based radio tracking protocol

This protocol provides guidance to field workers on the correct use of radio tracking equipment.

Hut procurement manual for backcountry huts

Hut procurement manual for backcountry huts

This manual provides specific means of compliance with the provisions of the building code when constructing backcountry huts. Published 2009.

Interpretation handbook and standard

Interpretation handbook and standard

This interpretation handbook and standard is a 'how to' guide developed for DOC staff, volunteers and concessionaires involved in interpretation. Published 2005.

Our procedures for managing animal pests

Our procedures for managing animal pests

DOC has procedures to ensure its animal pest operations are effective, managed safely and meet all legal requirements.

Motor vehicle use and safe driving SOP

Motor vehicle use and safe driving SOP

This standard operating procedure describes best practice standards and requirements that must be met prior to driving a vehicle for DOC business.

Our operating procedure for Rangitoto and Motutapu Islands

Our operating procedure for Rangitoto and Motutapu Islands

This operating procedure for Rangitoto and Motutapu Islands provides guidance on stakeholders roles and how to engage with conservation land management.

Tongariro National Park community procedures

Tongariro National Park community procedures

DOC has procedural guidance that must be followed in Tongariro National Park.

Track construction and maintenance guidelines

Track construction and maintenance guidelines

Guidelines on how to construct and maintain tracks for walkers and mountain-bikers in New Zealand. Includes a guide for those in the field on how to construct and maintain tracks. Published 2008.