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Fulton Hogan


Fulton Hogan are working together with DOC as national partner to the Takahē Recovery Programme.

DOC Fulton Hogan logo.

The partnership

DOC and Fulton Hogan Ltd are proud to partner together in support of the Takahē Recovery Programme. The partnership was launched on 5 July 2016 at Burwood Takahē Centre, near Te Anau and is supported by the New Zealand Nature Fund.

The partnership with Fulton Hogan enables the Programme to build on past success. With a focus on ensuring the takahē are never again considered extinct and the support of Fulton Hogan, the Programme has been able to consider re-establishing wild populations of takahē.

Fulton Hogan’s support for this mahi reflects a shared interest in a sustainable and multi-generational future. It is a way for Fulton Hogan staff and families to connect with conservation and be involved with the recovery of one of New Zealand’s taonga species.   

Learn more about this partnership from a media release about the partnership.

Fulton Hogan and DOC signing agreement on car bonnet in field.
Fulton Hogan, DOC and New Zealand Nature Fund sign the takahē recovery partnership agreement

The Takahē Recovery Programme

Takahē are a national treasure and a taonga species of Ngāi Tahu that need ongoing protection to ensure its survival. Takahē are native to New Zealand and are listed as a Nationally Vulnerable species, with birds located across New Zealand at secure mainland, island and wild population recovery sites. 

This is the longest running species conservation programme in New Zealand and has pioneered many conservation techniques later used to save endangered species in New Zealand and around the globe.

The commitment from Fulton Hogan will help DOC and the Takahē Recovery Programme tackle the next big challenge for the recovery of the species – identifying ideal sites to establish new, large wild populations of takahē. 

Takahē Recovery Programme