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DOC's purchasing terms and conditions


DOC purchases goods and services subject to our standard terms and conditions, unless we agree otherwise.

By supplying the goods/services specified in this Purchase Order, the Supplier agrees to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions.


The Supplier will provide the Goods and/or Services (as applicable) to the Buyer by the date and for the price recorded in the Purchase Order. The price includes all expenses.

Start date

This agreement will start on the date of the Purchase Order.

End date

This agreement ends on the date when all Goods and/or Services (as applicable) have been delivered or performed to the required standard and the invoice has been paid by the Buyer, unless the Parties agree in writing to an earlier end date.


For services: as applicable: the Supplier will provide the Services with due care, skill and diligence and to the Specific Standards specified above (if any).

For goods: as applicable: all conditions and warranties under the Sale of Goods Act 1908 apply to the supply of Goods under this agreement.

Resolving disputes

The Parties will use their best endeavours to resolve any dispute or difference that may arise under this agreement through direct negotiation. If the Parties cannot resolve a dispute by negotiation, either party may request that the dispute be referred to binding mediation. Each party will meet their own costs of resolving the dispute.


This agreement will be governed and interpreted in accordance with New Zealand law.

Invoicing and accounts payable document requirements

Invoice and credit notes

  • Invoices and credit notes must be emailed to or and must include a Purchase Order number (see below).
  • We prefer to receive invoices in PDF format.
  • If required, we can receive invoices as images (JPEG, JPG, and PNG format) but these can only be single page and must include the letters ‘INV’ or ‘Invoice’ in the file name (no letter case sensitivity).
  • Our system will not recognise (or process) documents in any other format.
  • Note that is an unmonitored mailbox for the processing of invoices/credit notes and statements as attachments only. Any amended invoices or queries about outstanding invoice payments are to be sent to

Purchase Orders

  • All invoices must include a Purchase Order number for the goods or services you are supplying - we will not be able to process invoices without a Purchase Order number.
  • If you do not receive a Purchase Order number by email, ask the DOC person who ordered from you to issue one.
  • A new Purchase Order number is required for each new and subsequent job/order (unless it is a Purchase Order relating to regular recurring charges over time).
  • If you forget to include a Purchase Order number,don't re-send the invoice – email with the Purchase Order number instead.



Invoice and payment

The Supplier will invoice the Buyer for the Goods/Services purchased each month/when all the Goods and/or Services have been delivered. Provided delivery has been satisfactory, the Buyer will pay a valid tax invoice on the 20th of the month following the date of the invoice.


If you have any questions, email our purchasing team at