DOC purchases goods and services subject to our standard terms and conditions, unless we agree otherwise.
DOC's purchasing terms and conditions
DOC is committed to continuously improving health and safety in our workplaces and ensuring the safety of all workers including contractors.
To achieve this all contractors who do high risk work will require a current Health and Safety (H&S) prequalification completed by an independent third-party provider by 31 March 2024.
If you only undertake low risk work (for the most part office related) or supply goods or equipment to DOC, or provide the service on your own premises, this will not apply to you.
If you hold a pre-existing contract with DOC, including panel membership (eg helicopter, track and wild animal ground control) that does not expire or come up for renewal until after 31 March 2024, the external prequalification requirement will be applied if/when the contract is renewed.
H&S prequalification offers significant advantages for you as a contractor by reducing the burden of repeatedly submitting extensive health and safety documentation when you tender or are engaged for work with DOC and other clients.
DOC’s preferred supplier to assess an organisation's health and safety prequalification status is specialist health and safety consultancy, PREQUAL NZ. However, we will also accept prequalifications from other suppliers if deemed to be at an equivalent level. If you hold a prequalification with a supplier other than PREQUAL, complete this simple form to initiate the evaluation process to determine this.
If your organization is already registered with PREQUAL, you do not need to take any action. PREQUAL will provide instructions on how to link your existing prequalification information to DOC.
If you are not currently registered with PREQUAL you will need to register and either upload your existing H&S prequalification or undertake an assessment to achieve this.
To ensure that this important work is completed before 31 March 2024, we encourage you to start as soon as possible by contacting PREQUAL on or 0800 773 782 who can assist you with the process.
Note: if you have not already been through the prequalification assessment process, you will be responsible for covering the cost associated with the assessment. This cost is tiered appropriately according to the size of your operation.
This code outlines Government’s expectations of the suppliers we engage. The Government expects its suppliers to meet or exceed the minimum standards set out in this code and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations when doing business with us.
Supplier code of conduct on New Zealand Government Procurement website.
DOC has moved to eInvoicing and can receive eInvoices.
Find out how to send DOC an eInvoice.
Opportunities to tender for DOC contracts are advertised on the Government Electronic Tendering Service (GETS) website.
GETS is a free web-based service which allows you to view and respond to information on current New Zealand government tender opportunities. You can register on the GETS website to see tenders that might be of interest to you.
More information about GETS, how it works and how to register.
When you bid for a contract with DOC, you will be asked to respond to a tender document (called a Request for Tender/Proposal/Quote or Registration of Interest). The tender document sets out the requirements for the contract, how to submit a tender, how tenders will be evaluated and the terms and conditions of the tender process.
Once you have decided to bid, it is important to:
Carefully read through the tender document again. Check that you have received and read through any additional information – often the documents will have attachments such as the draft contract, maps, drawings or other supplementary information.
Pay attention to the instructions at the beginning of the tender document, which explain how to submit and format your tender. These instructions will tell you:
Make sure you understand the tender evaluation process (this will always be described in the tender document). The weightings of the evaluation criteria will tell you which questions are most important and will need more time spent answering them.
There may also be ‘Mandatory criteria’. These are essential requirements for the contract, for example attending a site visit or having a certain level of insurance cover. Respondents must be able to meet these for their tender to be considered. Make sure you can meet any mandatory requirements and include evidence to back up your claim if necessary.
Answer all of the questions in the tender document and provide all of the information asked for. If you are required to complete a Response Form, answer all questions in the format provided. Don’t assume anything.
Even if you have worked for DOC before, we rely on the information you provide in the documents, so spell out your experience, skills and capabilities.
Make sure your tender is received on time and at the correct address, with the correct number of copies.
Always ask for feedback. Whether successful or unsuccessful, this will help you with your next tender.